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简介: 本文《中国中医科学院的睡眠医学研究》由适之宝枕头网小编整理,经《枕头记》世界睡眠日知识专家审阅,属适之宝官网新闻的行业资迅类别,关注 刘艳骄 中国中医科学院 睡眠医学研究 等健康睡眠和枕头相关领域。


中国中医科学院的睡眠研究 Sleep Research in CACMS

刘艳骄 http://www.haodf.com/zhuanjiaguandian/lyj792_782567317.htm

中国中医科学院广安门医院  北京  100700


Key Words: sleep; sleep disorders; CACMS


中国中医科学院 (原名中医研究院,中国中医研究院)建于1955年,是国家中医药管理局直属的集科研、医疗和教学为一体的综合性中医药科学研究机构。

China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences(CACMS),set up in 1955 and located in BeiJing(its former name was Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine), is a national institute for research, clinical medicine and medical training and education in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) under the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Over the past 50 years’ construction and development, CACMS has developed into a national research institute including 13 institutes, 6 hospitals, 2 pharmaceutical enterprises as well as the Graduate School, the Publishing House of Ancient Chinese Medical Books and the Journal of TCM, etc, compared with 4 institutes and 1 hospital when it set up.


1Basic overview of sleep research


    In 1994, researches in Institute of Basic Theory of TCM had put forward the assumption of developing sleep research in TCM under the circumstance of not very clearly of the development of sleep science, and had held the first national academic symposium on sleep disorders in TCM. Thereafter, under the help of experts doing research on sleep in China, it has successively held four times’ national academic symposium on sleep medicine in TCM, and has established national cooperation network of scientific research on sleep disorders in TCM in ShangHai.


Based on adopting modern sleep science knowledge, and after 5 years’ efforts, Doctor Liu Yanjiao in CACMS had written a book named “sleep science in TCM” with the supports of many colleagues. This book systematically expounded the basic theories and clinical methods of sleep in TCM. And play the role of "casting a brick to attract jade" on promoting establishment of sleep medical research in TCM.


Researches in Institute of Basic Theory of TCM had successively held country-orientated “training course on technology and clinical application of PSG”, and “advanced seminar on latest development of sleep science in integrated traditional and western medicine”,etc.


After 2005, the emphasis of sleep research in CACMS had successively transferred from basic theory research to clinical research. In 2006, sleep clinic has been established in Guang An Men Hospital with the department of psychology, internal medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, and qigong an organic whole. At the same time, sleep specialist clinic has also been established , concentrating advantages in doing clinical research of sleep. Numbers of out patients has increased to 2000 every month from 200 per month in the past. And psychological measurement technique works for sleep clinic has been widely used


2 Basic theory researches on sleep and sleep disorders


There are many descriptions about sleep and sleep disorders can be found in ancient traditional Chinese medical books. The purpose of the basic theory research on sleep in TCM is to derive essentials from the ancient traditional Chinese medical books, systematic organize theories and methods of sleep and sleep disorders in TCM., and carry on basic and clinical researches in sleep. More than ten papers about theoretical research of sleep in TCM have been published and experimental research has also been developed. We had successively done some researches, such as” effect of hilicidum capsule on NO in brain of rats”, ” effect of hilicidum capsule on locomotor activity of rats”, and “effect of hilicidum capsule on sleep time of younger mouse”, etc.


Not only patients but also doctors need to strengthen training of sleep knowledge. We develop a sleep medicine training every month, and activities of diagnosis and treatment for free every year, which are welcomed by patients.


3 Clinical research on sleep disorders


Based on the long term of clinical research on sleep disorders, we summarized diagnostic skills of sleep disorders in TCM. And then, we developed sleep research trainings and held country-orientated “training course on technology and clinical application of PSG”, and “advanced seminar on latest development of sleep science in integrated traditional and western medicine”, etc. In 2007, Guang An Men Hospital leaded to hold “the forum on sleep medicine and eco-health in modern humankind”. And the “2nd international academic congress of TCM psychology and sleep medicine” will be held in 2008. The number of papers on sleep research increases every year. At the same time, referring hospitals of CACMS have established sleep clinics. Although these sleep clinics were comparatively scattered, and they are gradually integrated now, which laid a foundation for construction of sleep medicine department. We have successively had many projects combined with sleep research. We had a further understand of clinical demands of patients suffering from sleep disorders by internet investigation, and determined research-emphases in future. Cooperated with Shang Hai Hospital of TCM, Hu Bei college of TCM, Ni Xia Hospital, Tang Du Hospital of the fourth military medical university, and Nin Bo Hospital of TCM, we established national cooperation network of scientific research on sleep disorders in TCM, for the purpose of enhancing the sleep research standards throughout the national cooperation.


4 International cooperation of sleep and sleep disorders


We have successively took part in some international conference, such as Asia sleep conference (Zhu Hai, in Bei Jing), 2nd international academic congress of sleep medicine (in Thailand), ResMan sleep apnea congress (in Sydney). We have also invited experts, such as Doctor Wayne Hening , president of American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Doctor TaiTian longLang, president of Japan Sleep Research Society, Hungary Sleep Research Society, Thailand Sleep Research Society, Baltic Sea International Campus, come to our academy to have academic exchanges. At the same time, we have also absorbed traditional culture inheritance of Chinese, looked for methods of psychological treatment in TCM and advocated non-medication of sleep disorders.


The “TCM clinical practice guidance of insomnia” written by CACMS, is a part of clinical practice guidance series which are established by WHO/WPRO based on evidence of evidence-based medicine. WHO/WPRO clinical practice guidance series of TCM are guide documents mainly applied in countries of WPRO, in which TCM is the chief treatment measure. And TCM treatment is her characteristic and practicability. 


5 Prospect of sleep research


Sleep medicine research is developing in China, and the number of professionals is increasing every year. The sleep research direction of CACMS is to realize widely application of localization of treatment methods through absorbing and introducing modern theory and method of sleep medicine.


At the same time, we are constructing new sleep center and further integrating sleep resources, which will make basic research, clinic research , health preservation and rehabilitation research an organic whole.


Cultivating sleep research talents is an important task of CACMS. We have cultivated 8 master students and doctor students of specialties related to sleep. And we will cultivate postgraduates sleep major combined with multi subjects in future so as to provide sleep basic and clinic research professional talents for TCM units in China.


At present, CACMS is the cooperation unit of world traditional and modern academy of sleep medicine, speciality committee of TCM psychology of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, speciality committee of China academy of sleep medicine, and north group of speciality committee of TCM sleep medicine of China Sleep Research Society. There are many researches who join in academic organizations such as China Sleep Research Society every year. It further promotes the influence in sleep research field of CACMS.

编辑: SN-11
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